Dammit. My feet are on fire in theses boots! Ugh!
[He reaches into the truck and pulls a plastic container and fork. He stirs it, groans, and then pitches the contents into a bush. He easily crushes the cup in a hand and tosses into the bed of the truck.]
The plot focuses on the bad vampires and the good ones that watch over them. And there’s a kid who is very powerful and ought to take a side. Actually save yourself the time and watch a few episodes of Star Wars (Lucas 1977-2005): the “Force” mumbo jumbo is overly similar. The one good thing is that the film has been made for distribution. Voiceovers are in English and the sub-titles are not your usual fare; knowing that the widely distributed film would be “read” by most audiences, the producers have jazzed them up a bit. Vampire lines are blood-red and drip off the screen. Screams tremble and trail off. Or a violent gesture wipes the subtitles off completely. It isn’t much, but it’s kinda cool. Something new. And for deaf audiences, it probably conveys much more of a sense of the action than plain text. But still, the suspension of belief is tiresome and old hat. First believe vampires exist. Now believe that there can be good ones who only drink pig’s blood…but there ARE good archaeologist and bad (mostly bad). FRANK is one of the good ones…]
EXT. ARCHAEOLOGICAL TEST SITE - MORNING [The truck spins up on an archaeological test site. Backhoes and construction workers are nearby. The site will soon be destroyed. Several inept field techs, coeds from a local university scramble with buckets, shovels and large screen beds and tripods. FRANK pops out of the cab and struts towards the action, stoking his chin by way of thoughtfully surveying the ground. SPIKE follows with a tangle of blueprints and maps.]
SPIKE (Panting and pointing as he goes) We've found the foundations of the 1780s farmhouse and several secondary buildings. We'll put in a few more test units, as many as we can. We would have liked to find the outhouse--- FRANK Privy, buddy. SPIKE Privy. Shithouse. Whatever. But, the bulldozers are breathin' down our neck... FRANK (Extends hand) Just give me the earliest plat and a scale. [FRANK pauses to lay theses out on a nearby screen bed, eliciting a sigh from a coed approaching with a bucket of soil to sieve. SPIKE shrugs at the teen to sever his perceived solidarity with FRANK.] SPIKE Anyway, an out---privy---would be great. Since, we've come up with very little in the way of cultural material, aside from a refined architectural plan, this site has otherwise been a bust. FRANK (Engrossed) Give me a minute. One minute. Hmm...If I were a privy, where would I hide? Privy. Privy. Find the privy. Ah-ha! [He points at the map.] Here. SPIKE Huh? FRANK (Pointing to the map) Here. The 1810 tree-line, here. The road, there. A privy on this corner of the house would allow privacy. Other side of the trees, out of sight of the road. Plus, the house would allow for a wind break from the river, not to mention keeping the missus' ass out of sight of the passing sailors near the docks... SPIKE It sez in the Phase II report that the Stradivari's were using the river--- FRANK (Indignant) Mister and Missus Stradivari, emissaries of Pope Pius VI, did not come all the way from Rome, the height of 18th century civilization, to hang their asses out in the breeze to take a dump. Look at the other outbuildings! They built a pottery kiln and a root cellar before a toilet? SPIKE But, now... FRANK (Switching maps and fussing with the scale) Now, according to the Phase I soil borings, we got thick beds of shale coming out to here... [Reading to himself] But, Well-sorted pro-glacial sands to about here and here... SPIKE (Looking on and nodding in disbelief) Uh-huh... FRANK So... [He heads off, pacing and counting to himself. When he reaches his count he stops and looks around:] Probe! Pleeze! [A student, the only paying attention, runs to an Econoline full of excavation equipment, pulls put a tool with some difficultly and proudly heads back. FRANK shakes his head.] No, not a split-spoon. A probe. [The student looks dumbfounded and disappointed. Frustrated FRANK mimes the proper tool.] Pointy!
[The student nods and is soon handing the probe to FRANK. SPIKE has caught up, still looking dubious. FRANK spears the probe into the spoil. It slides in easily. SPIKE shakes his head, "No." FRANK tries again with the same result and another head shake from SPIKE. FRANK clears his throat and on the third try, there is the distinct, tell-tale clink of the probe hitting solid stone. SPIKE drops his arm in disgust; this will surely mean more work.] SPIKE Aw... FRANK A job well done, buddy. String up a couple test units here, please. [The crew scurry anew as he waves them off. FRANK calls after.] And send somebody on a coffee-run, eh? I could use a large black one. [Pulls out wallet.] And, oh maybe some more of that pineapple, if they still got it...